Member-only story
Kicked to the Curb
He puts a halt to
sensitivity training.
He calls those killed in
combat ‘losers and
suckers.’ He fans the flames of
every -ism there
is. He often mocks
the disabled. He jokes and
brags about grabbing
women wherever
he wants. He encourages
hate crimes. He calls the
countries, where populations
are majority
Black or Brown, ‘Shithole
Nations.’ He has not taken
the safety of those,
living within our
borders, seriously. He
beats back truth with lies.
Look how he has botched
COVID-19! Nearing two-
hundred thousand, dead.
Many more are stuck
with long-term effects from the
disease. Magical
thinking is what he
relies on, NOT science, facts
or data. He does
not care about you.
He cares only about him-
self. Don’t believe me?